Maya Angelo Said
“that the most incredible agony is a story untold”
Within Most Schools and workplaces we have seen what a lack of empathy or sympathy can result in the humans, we see every day.
When you are Solely focusing on coming and going,
Accomplishing goals that exhaust you, to the point where you are not able to show up as your full authentic self, we lose balance and self-awareness. Sometimes we are not able to advocate for ourselves in the most beautiful way to some it can come across as rage, but all too often our experiences and feelings are suppressed by our own doing or the environment we exist in.
It is necessary to know the story of those you are colleagues with at your workplace or fellow students you attend classes with. Knowing these stories builds a beautiful productive environment that supports Employees and students, to live poetically and inspires innovation to make our world more just and beautiful.
The Beauty of your story can heal you and those around you.
You are Poetry
Heal Within Your Poetic Narrative
Stanza after Stanza your story is the best of you even in the hardest of times
Advocacy can give you a since of relief
Turning your pain into power
Your joy into flowers
Protest for you in the most beautiful way with truth love and grace
Bonding those around you to who you are in every layer you choose to expose

Listeners & Audience Will
Explore the selfawareness
Understand how to advocate with love
Write a Poetic Narrative poem
Explore the beauty of their story
Learn a healing way to envision their life journey
Perfect For
Ted Talks
UN Adresses
First Year/ Orientation
Master Class for Pre-Teen & Teenage Girls

Inner Beauty Work
Women Healing & Empowerment
“ Beauty is in the soul of the lover“
You are the most beautiful soul, full of service in your home, community, school, and workplace. Your vibe lights up the room and continues to become the talk of the places you leave. Healing is not easy but it's worth it, you do the work because you need to, not because you want to light up rooms. You show up to heal because you are ready, becoming, and transitioning into the person you always wanted to be. It's time to start saying you are beautiful, and not due to the way you look. The creator took time to beautify your soul so that your presence and the light that was gifted to you is felt not seen.
You have a responsibility to beautify it, That is why you show up for your Inner beauty work and will continue to invest in your growth. Deep down you know that your soul is worth more than any beauty procedure or cosmetic that money can buy.
You are an Inner Beauty Queen cleanse your heart with love and patience.
Everything you do Starts with the inner you
You shouldn't feel guilty for prioritizing your Healing
There is no need to stop now your breakthrough is coming to you, being patient is important right now. Love where you are and protect your healing journey
Listeners & Audience Will
Discover the importance of good character
Connect to their soul and its sacred goals
Become consistent with their healing journey
Explore the parts within that need healing
Begin to understand and protect their inner child
Perfect For
Leadership Empowerment Confrences
Mental HealthWellness Confrensces
Women Empowerment
Beauty Confrences
Hip Hop Art & Culture
Integration in Everyday Education
"It's broken so we had to reinvent it "
Check yourself before you wreck yourself, This is a saying we commit ourselves to in Hip Hop we know if you do not have self-awareness, basic preparedness, and respect, you will not go far. You have to be able to meet humans, therefore, students where they are, not where you want them to be.
Knowledge should always evolve us into our best selves. Hip-hop is seen as vulgar and inappropriate in the classroom. Meeting the Children where they are, requires us to understand them listen to them and inspire critical thought, imaginative expression, and increase literacy. So the students can choose to build a better future, without them being judged or ridiculed. Communication is a large part of this, and Hip Hop is the most internationally shared language and culture.
Understanding that we lack the tools to adjust in education after the pandemic, and knowing Hip Hop Art & Culture was formulated with the same lack. Genius grew to become a universal language and educational tool because geniuses are people who are exceptionally intelligent or creative, no matter their circumstances. Within this cultivation, they learn to teach, teach to continue learning and benefit to be benefited.

Are the students behind or are you?
Notice how there is lack of interest in class
Students are just Not Interested in the Lessons being taught.
The test scores just keep dropping
We are not teachers anymore ,
We are Creative Educational Developers.
Listeners & Audience Will
Explore the best ways to approach Literacy today
Understand how to cultivate innovators
Explore new methods of social emotional learning
Know what is needed to advance their students learning process
Discover new ways to teach and inspire students
Create a Lesson Plan with Love
Perfect For
Leadership Development
Teachers Development
Leadership & Education
Educational Confrences
Queen Get Your Qnowledge
Seeking Sacred Knowledge

In Many Languages the word school
is a feminine noun
Its not a coiensdence
For Centuries Women have been the school the first teacher of her children
Seeking knowledge of self & our souls purpose consistently
Protects us from oppression
Are you ready to enter the Queendom?
Increasing any society, community, and environment's well-being starts with you, knowing where you are, and what you need to do to evolve, this will support your daily intentions. Seeking knowledge guides us into realms of ourselves that we never thought existed inspiring confidence that becomes your character.
When you Seek better, you become better in the process. Once you pick a major in college or an interest in school, you study, a Career you take training, and start a business you get certified. Becoming the woman you have been destined to be, takes time studying, passing or failing tests, applying what you know in real-time, and servicing to support yourself on your quest for you.
Facing many adversities as a woman, gear yourself with knowledge that softens your life. Protecting your peace, knowing your rights, and shining inherited light.
A nation can rise no higher than its women
- Malcolm x
So know that you are a nation and not one person can depend on you unless you depend on yourself first and seek to Qnow, the one true source of your power.
Listeners & Audience Will
Explore their life's Purpose
Learn to trust their intuition
Explore their personal journey to seek sacred knowledge
Plan Their journey to seek sacred knowledge
Understand their Divine given status
Prioritize their goals Pursue to Excellence
Perfect For
Women Empowerment Confrences
Women's History Month Events
Women in Leadership & Education
Master Class for Pre-Teen & Teenage Girls
Inspiring Heart to Heart
Being an Inspiring Leader
Forgetting Your Intentions..
Are daily task boring to You...
Getting distracted in Meetings ...
Not Delivering on your Deliverables..
Missing Deadlines..
How can you do anything if you are not
buzzing with passion to reach the goal?
There is not one formula that is perfect for becoming the best leader, but to discover the one formula that works for you takes time and grace.
There is no perfect way to lead, often times leading can feel exhausting when void of passion. Increasing our understanding of the simplicity of our being helps us to become better leaders. How is your Heart? When Do you feel peace in your heart? What do you need in order to feel motivated? Why do I need to complete this? All four of these questions make up what you need, to truly be consistently Inspired.
Access what makes you inspired in your heart first and let your mind connect the dots to inspire hearts.

Listeners & Audience Will
Explore the 5 basics of being g inspired
Understand how to cultivate inspirational spaces
Explore what's is holding your teamback
Know what is needed to advance the productivity in your space
Learn daily tools to maintain inspiration
Connect to the hearts of those they lead
Perfect For
Leadership Development
Oprentation/First Year Experience
Student Success

Taking Mindful
Its Okay if you are Not Okay,
Think to yourself how often do you take time to reflect or be just be.....
Your worth is not your work you are more than enough
You can slow down snf
Did you take time-out for Gratitude today?
Reki, Mindfulness & Breathwork
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare." -Audre Lord
Burnout is normalized when goals are accomplished, deadlines are met and assignments are submitted on time. The reality is Burnout is not healthy. Mindful time at consistent times of the day consecutively forming a habitual lifestyle change will always support the expansion of your time. You begin feeling more accomplished without burnout being a result. Understand that this is a new concept caring for yourself is not seen as important in environments that require you to keep your head down and work, which is why you need to take mindful time. Reflecting supports your self-awareness and guides your mind to connect with your heart. Are you happy? How do you feel about this task at this moment?
Are you Ready to take your mindful time? Value your existence enough to slow down, be still, pray, breathe, meditate, be in nature, and love your soul.
Take mindful time to rise from Burnout and Fly into your Phoniex era.
Listeners & Audience Will
Explore the best suited mindful method
Understand mindful time and its benefits
Explore their bodies connection as a mindful time radar
Know when to take mindful time
Discover the flourishing productivity before and after mindful time
Create a daily plan for mindfulness
Perfect For
Orientation/First Year Experience
Mental HealthWellness Confrences
Student Development
Collective Sucess

Layers of Modesty
Women Healing & Empowerment
Do you ever feel inspired by people who are modest in their personal style and in character ?They understand their worth and vibrate at a high value frequency and accomplish all of their goals.
What's the formula?
“A Human is Layered and more than meets the eye once given an open and safe space, to become"
To be honest it is not something that exist, there is no formula. As humans we go through trauma that affects our character, which affects how we feel about ourselves.This often can show up on the outside with the way we dress and take care of ourselves or within our being.
Basirah Raheem supports her audience through their modest journey by establishing their internal goals, by undergoing a societal deprograming and reveal the layers of modesty that stay hidden everyday
All you need is 3 minutes with Boshia, you will connect with her openness and passion, it is such an inspiring superpower. This superpower came from her trials and she is very detailed on how to own your layers of modesty
.This program is intended to help individuals and groups ready to become grounded in their self respect, trust and self awareness in order to build a modest foundation layered with pure intentions.
Perfect For
Girl/ Women Empowerment Spaces
Fashion Conventions/Award
Community Development
Diversity and Equity Workshops
Listeners & Audience Will
Explore their life's Purpose
Learn to trust their intuition
Explore and connect to their layers of modesty
Resemble their Divine given status in character
Prioritize their goals Pursue to Excellence

Aligning With Your Authentic Self
Being an Inspiring Leader
The world today can have you being a version of yourself that's fake.
Some may not speak their truth out of fear of what people will think, some may struggle with fulfilling their purpose ,some people may feel exhausted but still try to work or study with a smile.
Sometimes it is because we are just not in alignment with our authenticity. Constantly trying to evolve with the times can be exhausting but evolving with yourself can be so rewarding.
Basirah Raheem is purposed with unveiling the authenticity in every leader that is waiting to emerge,Truly aligning leaders to the self that is the most inspiring by ensuring that authenticity what breaks through the shells formulated to hide.
It is an enlightening program that consistently reminds you how to stay on the path of truth and to be authentic throughout your life's journey in leading brave and aligned spaces whether it be a classroom or a boardroom.
Explore the selfawareness
Understand how to advocate authentically
Write daily authentic affirmations
Explore the depths of their personhood
Learn a healing way to envision their life journey
Listeners & Audience Will
Perfect For
Orientation/First Year Experience
Student Development
Collective Sucess